Articles tagged with: sweet
Hookah-Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »
Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »
Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

Al Fakher Sweet Melon is a simple, sweet candy-cantaloupe flavor. There are very few, if any, other flavors present. The natural tobacco taste is almost completely invisible, unlike the tobacco by the same name from Nakhla. The scent and taste are almost identical making Sweet Melon easy to place in mixes. Al Fakher Sweet Melon is more mild in its flavor and sweetness than other brands of Sweet Melon.
Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

Mojito is a lime-citrus and mint blend with another subtle flavor to mimic the sensation of alcohol in the back of your throat. It really does very much resemble an actual mojito beverage. However, in its smoking form, the comparison is somewhat lost. The mint is very well hidden in this flavor—almost invisible. and the lime flavor is mild. What you’re left with is an easy to smoke, subtle semi-sweet citrus flavor that tastes a lot like a mojito if you know that’s what it’s supposed to taste like.
Tobacco, Tobacco Mixes »

Dark Peach creates a delicious tension between the dark anis flavor of Two Apples and the authentic sweet flavor of White Peach. The Two Apples cuts the sweetness of the White Peach, bringing to the table a rich earthy, yet still fruity, experience. Because you’re mixing different brands of tobacco, heat management will have to be taken into consideration…
Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

Two Apples has a rich, complex anis flavor. When smoking for the first time, you will likely notice a licorice sensation thanks to the anis. But a more careful examination of the flavor will reveal undertones of spice and cinnamon, mingled with subtle apple tastes. It’s necessary to exhale through both your mouth and nostrils to fully appreciate Two Apples flavor, though either one in isolation is pleasant. As with most anis flavors, the sensation is dark and warming—not refreshing like a real apple.
Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

The aroma and taste of Al Fakher orange is nearly identical. It is crisp, sweet and citrusy. The taste is unmistakably orange, but it is more of a witticism of the real thing. You’ll find it more closely resembles the taste of orange soda than real oranges. There are no other flavors present, or at least obviously so. In this way it is very simple and makes a great tobacco for mixing your own custom flavors.
Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

Al Fakher Guava is a candy caricature of the real guava fruit. Most people familiar with the real taste of guava will probably notice the resemblance right off the bat. The taste is fruity and a bit tangy, but in terms of fruity flavors, much less sweet. The taste is simple, with almost no undertones. It makes an excellent ingredient for mixing with other Al Fakher flavors, such as Mint or Strawberry. Additionally, the Guava scent and the Guava flavor mirror each other very predictably.
Reviews, Starbuzz, Tobacco »

Unlike the Sweet Melon flavors produced by Al Fakher and Nakhla which focus on producing a Cantaloupe flavor, Starbuzz Sweet Melon is obviously a blend of melon flavors like Watermelon, Hondey Dew, Cantaloupe and possibly another melon which is difficult to directly identify. Unfortunately however, the sweet Watermelon flavor dramatically overpowers the others and what we’re left with is a very sweet overall flavor, and an over powering but more mild candy/buble-gum Watermelon. It may be possible to tone the sweetness down by adding about 15% mint shisha (such as Al Fakher) to your bowl.