Articles in the Al Tawareg Category
Al Tawareg, Reviews, Tobacco »

Al Tawareg has some big shoes to fill with Double Apple. The flavor is among the oldest known hookah ‘flavors’, popularized by Nakhla Tobacco, whose fans are famously passionate about the their products. Double Apple really tastes nothing like apples, as the name and graphics on the packaging might suggest. In fact, Double Apple is an anis flavor which most closely resembles black licorice. In spite of black licorice having a seemingly small fan-base, in the hookah world, Double Apple has a huge fan base. Al Tawareg’s attempt honors the original well with a very, very familiar flavor. However, compared to similar flavors from Al Fakher and Nakhla, Al Tawareg’s Double Apple is light and mellow. The natural honey composition also shines through with a subtle honey sweetness and just a hint of cinnamon.
Al Tawareg, Reviews, Tobacco »
Al Tawareg, Reviews, Tobacco »
Al Tawareg, Reviews, Tobacco »

Al Tawareg Wild Watermelon is underwhelming at best. The Watermelon flavor is extremely mild. So much so, in fact, that you can clearly taste the honey and tobacco, though the experience isn’t unpleasant. The detectable watermelon flavor is, however, very nice. It is more realistic than most and doesn’t taste much like ‘bubble-yum’, the way most other brands do.
Al Tawareg, Reviews, Tobacco »

Al Tawareg Orange Cream is a very mild, citrus-vanilla flavor with another element that gives it a subtle creamy sensation. It also bears a very similar sensation to cream soda. As the session goes on, smokers will likely find that there is a subtle tobacco taste as well. The flavor is very much as the name suggests, but more mild than one might expect.