Articles in the Featured Category
Accessories, Featured, Reviews »

The Vortex Bowl is one of only a few very popular specialty bowls. In short, it’s design aims to help tobacco smoke longer with more flavor by trapping the juice in the bottom of the bowl, rather than leaking down into the hookah itself. Today, we’re going to spend some time looking at the Vortex Bowl in detail, as well as look at some of the pros and cons of this unique bowl.
Al Fakher, Featured, Reviews, Tobacco »

Hookah Report is proud to present a world first… The first in-depth review of Al Fakher Energy Drink, soon to be released to the North American market. Al Fakher Energy Drink smoked very quickly with minimal effort to get started. When the coals were on the bowl for about 2 – 3 minutes, very large clouds started to be produced, very typical for Al Fakher. But how is the flavour really? Click on over to read our full, in-depth review.
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Apparently already available in the Middle East, the flavour that has the hookah community buzzing, Al Fakher Energy Drink is coming to North America soon says a recent Hookah John video. The video states that the tobacco is real as it was attained from Sierra, the United States exclusive importer of Al Fakher and will be available for North American purchasing in approximately two months.
Featured, News »

A representative from Coconara natural charcoal informed us today that the ‘classic’ shape of their coals will be making a come back after audiences shared mixed impressions on the new shape. The representative told us that the newer size and shape of Coconara coals was a result of wide appeal in the Middle East where smokers tend to use much large bowls. US customers, however, were not so enthusiastic.
Mixed feedback has led Coconara to make the decision to market both coal shapes in the US, though the time frame …
Community, Contest, Featured »

Would you like to win a Khalil Mamoon hookah with accessories valued at about 300$? I bet you would, so head on over to the Royal Hookah Forum ( and sign up. From there, you have to participate a little and get over 25 posts.
Easy so far?
Next, you have to place an order valued at over 45$ with Hookah John ( and when you are about to checkout, insert into the Special Instructions field, “Enter me into the RHF raffle!” Pretty simple, right? If you haven’t already ordered from Hookah …
Community, Featured, News »

HookahPro is a hot-bed for hookah-related video content. At almost any time you can find excellent, video-centric contests to win (or just get) free stuff. This time around, HookahPro and SaharaSmoke have worked together to produce a video-review contest for SaharaSmoke’s Hookah-Hookah tobacco.
The goods are pretty good. In a nutshell, SaharaSmoke will send free tobacco to contestants and all they need to do is get on camera and talk honestly about what they think. Now, of course there is some fine print, but most importantly you have to be …
Accessories, Featured, News, Retail »

If you have ever checked out Hookah John‘s website, you will definitely know that he has his own line of hookah hoses. They are amazing and the Narbish Version 4 will soon be hitting the market. In a recent YouTube video, John himself stated that the Narbish version 4 will be out “soon”. It was later posted on Royal Hookah Forum that the Narbish Version 4 would be out in two weeks. The new Narbish is said to have a shorter hose adapter that will accommodate smaller hookahs.
Check back here for more …
Featured, Products »

Shisha has been smoked for thousands of years, but yet, people still have trouble setting up a hookah. Huffing and puffing on those dirty hoses, preparing coals on a burner and drying your stem can all be a pain, not to mention all the smokeless pulling you will have to endure at the beginning of your hookah smoking session. Introducing the Shishavac, a product of Tannous Innovations.
Accessories, Featured, Reviews »

If you frequent the major hookah community forums, you have no doubt heard of the famous $10 burner from Walgreens. This no-frills device is a perfect, cost effective tool for lighting your coals without having to get ash all (or stink) over the kitchen. And, if you break it, $10 isn’t going to be too much of a burden. Let’s take a closer look at the tool.
Long have I used a burner tool to light my natural coals. It’s cheap and effective, and if you have a favorite spot …