Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

Cinnamon Apple is just as the name implies. Cinnamon and apple. The flavor is mild. However, it is also warm and spicy, thanks to the cinnamon flavoring. And, while the spice flavor is dominant, the apple provides a refreshing, sweet undertone. The balance is near perfect. Comparing the flavor in the real world, Cinnamon Apple tastes almost identically to a bowl of cooked apple and cinnamon dessert.
Al Fakher, Black Moassel, Reviews, Smoking, Tobacco »

Soft Black is an unflavored tobacco. The taste is that of tobacco, made slightly sweet by the molasses ingredient. The result is something similar to smoking a standard pipe, unflavored cigar or expensive cigarette. Like natural tobaccos, the taste is dark, rich and earthy. It goes excellently with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate. If the natural tobacco taste is too much for you, as it is for some people, adding a small amount of mild flavored tobacco, such as mint, cinnamon or jasmine can add the subtle sensation of smoking a flavored pipe tobacco or flavored cigar. Soft Black can also be added to strong, flavored tobaccos to mild things out a bit. But be warned, the more Soft Black you add to a flavored tobacco the more natural tobacco taste you will introduce.
Reviews, Tobacco, Tonic »

Strawberry Citrus Mint is, as the name suggests, a blend of strawberry, citrus flavors and a light mint sensation. The citrus and mint flavors are clear, though the strawberry is a more ambiguous berry flavor. In terms of other tobaccos, Strawberry Citrus Mint is very similar to Romman’s Good Times flavor. It’s unclear who truly has the upper hand, but Tonic’s Strawberry Citrus Mint is slightly cheaper than Romman’s alternative.
Cleaning, Headline, How-Tos & Tips »

Smaller hookahs pose little question about how to clean them. They fit in the sink. Larger hookahs, on the other hand can seem pretty daunting. Trying to figure it out for yourself can take a lot of trial and error and can take a lot of time. Some fill a bath tub and clean them that way. Others take them outside and use a garden hose. But this isn’t necessary. Any hookah can be successfully cleaned in a kitchen sink, and with practice, can be done in less than one minute. Reviews here at HookahReport are always performed on a clean hookah, so we’re cleaning hookahs a lot.
Reviews, Tobacco, Tonic »

Cinnamon Roll is a stab at the breakfast pastry by the same name. Tonic’s attempt is not perfect, but the result is still delicious. There is an evident sweet cinnamon taste, and an almost creamy finish. The flavor is mild and with close examination, it does in fact taste very similar to an actual cinnamon bun. However, I have yet to meet someone who could pick out the intended flavor without clues.
Reviews, Tobacco, Tonic »

Mojito is, in fact, a simple sweet lemon-mint mixture. Naming it Mojito may not be the best name, but it does not negate that Tonic’s attempt at the alcoholic beverage by the same name is flavorful and enjoyable. Also unique is that the mint sensation is available not only on inhale, as it is with most flavors, but also on exhale. The taste is nearly identical to the smell, with a delicious citrus-tartness.
Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

Officially, Social Smoke describes Voltage as a blend of Watermelon and Lemon, with a hint of Amaretto sweet almond flavoring. When examined closely, the lemon and watermelon can be distinguished, though the almond is almost totally invisible. In real world smoking, without any clues to the intended flavor, the taste is very much like a sweet blend of mild lemon and jasmine.
coals, How-Tos & Tips »

Ash. The annoying stuff that falls off your coals and all over the floor and couch. God forbid someone walk by the hookah too quickly and send those little grains everywhere. If you’re outside smoking, this stuff is even worse. It ends up on your clothes, in your food and drink. Ash management is definitely annoying. But did you know that old ash is also the key to solving another annoying problem all of us hookah smokers suffer from.
Once you’ve lit your coals, they’re actually burning. Like regular fire, they …
Featured, Hookahs, News », a new hookah manufacturing company out of Lebanon, launched their website only a few days ago, but has already seen some buzz in the online forums. I had the chance to speak to Chadi, the founder and owner of LuxuryHookah, about his new business and the what is being produced is definitely promising.
Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

Social Smoke describes Blush as a blend of raspberry, fruits, citrus and a hint of rose. The resulting flavor is more likely to remind you of a really excellent stick of bubble gum. If you examine closely enough, you can definitely pick up on notes of fruit and berry flavor. Picking out any one of them in particular is difficult. Blush is a mild, sweet candy style flavor with an excellent and subtle floral finish.