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HookahPro is a hot-bed for hookah-related video content. At almost any time you can find excellent, video-centric contests to win (or just get) free stuff. This time around, HookahPro and SaharaSmoke have worked together to produce a video-review contest for SaharaSmoke’s Hookah-Hookah tobacco.
The goods are pretty good. In a nutshell, SaharaSmoke will send free tobacco to contestants and all they need to do is get on camera and talk honestly about what they think. Now, of course there is some fine print, but most importantly you have to be …
Hookah-Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

Margarita is extremely mild. No particular flavor stands out. There are subtle hints of lime and a flavor to mimic that of tequila, though it’s unlikely you would be able to discern it without being told what it’s supposed to taste like. There is also a definite natural tobacco taste present as well, though it’s difficult to decipher what is the flavor of the tobacco, versus what is intended to taste like margarita. The flavor in Margarita is also very sensitive. Too much heat produces a burnt taste, though unlike other tobaccos, it will go away if you reduce the heat.
Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

Al Fakher Sweet Melon is a simple, sweet candy-cantaloupe flavor. There are very few, if any, other flavors present. The natural tobacco taste is almost completely invisible, unlike the tobacco by the same name from Nakhla. The scent and taste are almost identical making Sweet Melon easy to place in mixes. Al Fakher Sweet Melon is more mild in its flavor and sweetness than other brands of Sweet Melon.
Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

Mojito is a lime-citrus and mint blend with another subtle flavor to mimic the sensation of alcohol in the back of your throat. It really does very much resemble an actual mojito beverage. However, in its smoking form, the comparison is somewhat lost. The mint is very well hidden in this flavor—almost invisible. and the lime flavor is mild. What you’re left with is an easy to smoke, subtle semi-sweet citrus flavor that tastes a lot like a mojito if you know that’s what it’s supposed to taste like.
Tobacco, Tobacco Mixes »

Dark Peach creates a delicious tension between the dark anis flavor of Two Apples and the authentic sweet flavor of White Peach. The Two Apples cuts the sweetness of the White Peach, bringing to the table a rich earthy, yet still fruity, experience. Because you’re mixing different brands of tobacco, heat management will have to be taken into consideration…
Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

Lemon is a mild citrus flavor. The aroma betrays the taste in that it smells more like cleaner than something you’d want to smoke, but tastes very different. Unlike Nakhla’s Lemon flavor, Al Fakher Lemon is much closer to the flavor of a real lemon, but still more of a candy-caricature. You might even compare it to a mild lemon-tea. Lemon is sweet, but not overpowering and it lacks the tartness of a real lemon. The lemon flavor is much more of a lemon sensation that a replication. The natural taste of the tobacco subtly peaks through, though in general, the taste is simple with only a few quiet undertones of tobacco, and the rest lemon. The simplicity and subtlety of the lemon taste makes this a great flavor for mixing.
Reviews, Romman, Tobacco »

Romman Good Times is a blend of orange, lemon, apple and mint flavors. The most dominant is clearly the orange citrus, though I wouldn’t classify it exactly as a citrus tobacco. When smoking, it’s difficult to pick out the specific flavors, and in that way it’s a bit simple. The mint also is weak compared to what you might expect. Rather than producing a mint sensation, it has a subtle cooling effect.
Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

Two Apples has a rich, complex anis flavor. When smoking for the first time, you will likely notice a licorice sensation thanks to the anis. But a more careful examination of the flavor will reveal undertones of spice and cinnamon, mingled with subtle apple tastes. It’s necessary to exhale through both your mouth and nostrils to fully appreciate Two Apples flavor, though either one in isolation is pleasant. As with most anis flavors, the sensation is dark and warming—not refreshing like a real apple.
Nakhla, Reviews, Tobacco »

Nakhla Sweet Melon is a sweet, candy cantaloupe flavor, not a melon blend like the Sweet Melon available from Starbuzz. The aroma and the taste match almost perfectly. The flavor is sweet, but not particularly ‘refreshing’ like the real fruit. The flavor has more of a warming sensation to it. If that’s not your thing, you can counteract this by adding just a hint of Nakhla Mint flavor tobacco. You may find subtle undertones of honey, but I mean very subtle. Sweet Melon is one of the sweeter flavors from Nakhla. Some find it almost sickly sweet, but the majority find that it is a good balance. As with most Nakhla flavors, the natural tobacco taste is present, but well hidden in this flavor.
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We are working our way down the hookah. Last time we discussed all the major parts of a hookah and what they do to help maximize your smoking experience. This time, we’re going to get into the gritty details of the hookah experience with a look at coals. What are they, what do they do and how do we use them best. So, lets not waste any more time.
Coals are an absolute essential part of the hookah experience. They are among the few things truly setting hookah apart from virtually …