News »

Unflavored tobacco fans rejoice. According to a direct message from, the elusive, yet highly esteemed, Al Fakher Soft Black is on their shelves for the first time. joins a short list of US vendors who carry the unflavored tobacco product. Unfortunately, none of us here at HookahReport have had the opportunity to try it. But judging by the chatter on the message boards, we ought to have our expectations pretty high.
Al Fakher Soft Black is only available in 1kg packages. sells the tobacco for $45.95 in …
Reviews, Romman, Tobacco »

Romman Berry Breeze is sweet and tart. From the picture on the front of the box, it appears to be a composite of strawberry and blueberry. While neither of those flavors are terribly obvious at first, the taste does pretty closely match a drink or smoothie made from those berries. The sweetness is not overpowering, nor is the tartness, but the balance seems to be somewhat unsatisfying, though I’m unsure I could truly criticize constructively. Something just seems to be amiss.
Reviews, Romman, Tobacco »

Romman Honey Dew is not to be confused with honeydew melon. They are not the same flavor, though it’s clearly a play on words. Honey Dew is a melon-honey blend. The aroma is a strong honey smell, while the taste is a more mild honey flavor mixed with a distinct sweet melon. The flavor is warm and bright, but not so intense as to sap the enjoyment out.
News, Tobacco »

Sources at, the manufacturer of Romman tobacco and the hugely popular Nammor washable hose, have told us that they are in the process of testing new flavors in their line of premium tobacco products.
We’re told they have been bouncing around more than 20 flavor possibilities and are in the process of narrowing that number down and selecting the best of the best.
There’s no word yet on what those flavors may be, except that some of what they’ve tested was “terrible”, but others have been down-right incredible. We’re told …
Accessories, Featured, Reviews »

The Vortex Bowl is one of only a few very popular specialty bowls. In short, it’s design aims to help tobacco smoke longer with more flavor by trapping the juice in the bottom of the bowl, rather than leaking down into the hookah itself. Today, we’re going to spend some time looking at the Vortex Bowl in detail, as well as look at some of the pros and cons of this unique bowl.
Evolution Tea, Reviews, Tobacco »
Ayam Zaman, Reviews, Tobacco »

Nights, I’m told, is actually an adaptation of a traditional Middle Eastern drink. Few in North America will recognize this comparison. The flavor is dark and spicy with a striking sweetness which makes for an interesting, complex and calming flavor. You’ll likely first notice a blend of what seems to be cinnamon and clove, but set atop a black licorice foundation—thought this observation only comes after a careful inspection of the different flavors.
Hookah-Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

7 Spice tastes much like you might expect. Spicy. The most dominant flavor is cinnamon, but it is very mild, mixed among other spice flavors such as clove and cardamom. The other spices, whatever they may be, are ambiguous, but no doubt add to the whole experience in ways we can’t confidently nail down. Overall, however, the flavor is dark and spicy, but still light and mild.
Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

Social Smoke’s Rose flavor is unique among the available rose flavors out there. While it has a very strong floral scent and taste, the taste is sweeter and warmer than most other similar flavors. Beyond the basic floral rose flavor, there are some hints of other flavors as well, though pinning them down is difficult. A very subtle spice is probably the best I could explain it.
Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

Dulce De Leche is a sweet cream flavor. Neither fruit, nor obviously spice and certainly not floral. The most obvious sensation is sweet. It’s very sweet. But the actual flavor is delicate. It’s difficult to place exactly what it tastes like (made especially difficult since I’ve never had the drink for which this tobacco was named). There are some darker undertones, perhaps caramel, while the more obvious flavor is light and creamy.