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[12 Aug 2010 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke The Edge Review

The Edge flavor is difficult to nail down. There is a subtle candy-watermelon taste and likely some blended berries as well. But the overall taste is a kind of candy rush—very sweet, but with a delicate floral finish.

Polls »

[12 Aug 2010 | No Comment | ]

We love hookah and we smoke a lot. But we’re curious. How often do you smoke?
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Featured, How-Tos & Tips, Set-Up »

[11 Aug 2010 | No Comment | ]
How to Pack a Vortex Bowl

The Vortex Bowl from Sahara Smoke is one of only a few very popular specialty bowls. While it has a few drawbacks, one of its major selling points is that it’s among the easiest to pack. In this short tutorial I’m going to show you how to pack your Vortex bowl and get an excellent smoke, no matter what kind of shisha tobacco you fill it with. So, lets get started.
Mix Your Shisha
The Vortex Bowl shines the most when using a wet shisha (though brands that are more dry will …

Community, Headline, News »

[10 Aug 2010 | 5 Comments | ]
Hookah Report is Looking for Authors!

Good evening loyal (or first time) reader! Since HookahReport.com launched about two months ago we’ve seen steady increases in readership and buzz around the web (much appreciated, Google Alerts). But the undertaking is big. There are a lot of different flavors, a lot of accessories and nearly endless ideas for making your smoking session that much better. We simply can’t possibly write it all.

HookahReport is looking for new authors. Will you be one of them?

Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[10 Aug 2010 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke Absolute Zero Review

Absolute Zero is an intense mint/spearmint flavor, and in that way, it is fairly simple. However, Social Smoke has made some very subtle adjustments to the mint flavor. There is an extremely subtle sweet berry flavor underneath the mint. Identifying the berry is difficult. Blueberry is likely, but the flavor is so well hidden it’s not especially important. Thanks to this welcome addition of sweetness, Absolute Zero tastes less like a mint leaf and more like a very cold glass of Vitamin Water.

Cleaning, Featured, How-Tos & Tips »

[8 Aug 2010 | One Comment | ]
How to Seriously Clean a Vortex Bowl (Or any Hookah Bowl for That Matter)

The ongoing bane of any hookah smoker’s experience is returning a well used hookah bowl to its freshest, cleanest state. After a few weeks or months of smoking, it is inevitable that your bowl will get caked with a solid black gunk that most people find nearly impossible to remove.

A quick search on the internet will tell you to use baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar, oven cleaner, Bar Tender’s Friend, or even boiling the bowl for a long period of time, to remove the gunk. But if you’re anything like me, you’ve never had much success with these methods. Which makes sense. The stuff that’s stuck on there is a residue that’s been baking at around 400 – 600 degrees for 20 or 30 hours—or more, if you’re not in the habit of cleaning the bowl regularly. The popular cleaning methods simply aren’t powerful enough to make too much of a difference. With this cleaning method, you bowl will be about as clean as it will get, and it will only take about 10 minutes.

Featured, Interesting »

[6 Aug 2010 | No Comment | ]
10 Beautiful Photos of the Hookah Culture

Being a photographer, I have a deep appreciation for the photographic craft. So a natural collision for me would be the hookah culture appearing in wonderfully taken photographs. So, I set out and started to explore Flickr for different ways that hookahs and the subculture around them have been immortalized in images. Here are 10 of the best that I found. Unfortunately, a lot of Flickr users would prefer people not see their work, rather than risk someone stealing it. So, instead of 10 awesome photos, here are 8 of …

Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[4 Aug 2010 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke Lemon Chill Review

Lemon Chill is a simple flavor combination of lemon and mint. The lemon is not a candy flavor, but a more realistic representation. It’s only lightly sweet and the mint is very potent, but not overpowering of the lemon flavor. Unfortunately the lemon flavor does have the slightest hint of something chemical. But it’s extremely subtle and most likely will not even notice.

Tobacco Mixes »

[3 Aug 2010 | No Comment | ]
Orange Yorkie Mix

Remember those fantastic Terry’s Chocolate Oranges? The commercial would always end with someone slamming the chocolate orange onto a hard surface and all the little chocolate orange wedges would fall apart. Who didn’t love that? Well, add a healthy dose of mint and you can get almost the same experience in your hookah smoke.
The Mix
Begin with Nakhla Mandarin Orange tobacco. Using your bowl, measure out about 70% Mandarin Orange. Fill the remaining 30% of the bowl with Nakhla Chocomint. Empty the contents into a small kitchen bowl and mix thoroughly …

Nakhla, Reviews, Tobacco »

[1 Aug 2010 | No Comment | ]
Nakhla Mandarin Orange Review

Nakhla Mandarin Orange is a more realistic orange flavor than many other brands. It does indeed taste very much like a Clementine or Orange Cutie. It’s sweet, but not overpowering and only very slightly tart. As is typical for Nakhla tobacco, the natural tobacco flavor does shine through, though it’s a soft undertone in this case.