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Hookah-Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

[4 Jun 2010 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Hookah Margarita

Margarita is extremely mild. No particular flavor stands out. There are subtle hints of lime and a flavor to mimic that of tequila, though it’s unlikely you would be able to discern it without being told what it’s supposed to taste like. There is also a definite natural tobacco taste present as well, though it’s difficult to decipher what is the flavor of the tobacco, versus what is intended to taste like margarita. The flavor in Margarita is also very sensitive. Too much heat produces a burnt taste, though unlike other tobaccos, it will go away if you reduce the heat.

Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

[3 Jun 2010 | No Comment | ]
Al Fakher Sweet Melon

Al Fakher Sweet Melon is a simple, sweet candy-cantaloupe flavor. There are very few, if any, other flavors present. The natural tobacco taste is almost completely invisible, unlike the tobacco by the same name from Nakhla. The scent and taste are almost identical making Sweet Melon easy to place in mixes. Al Fakher Sweet Melon is more mild in its flavor and sweetness than other brands of Sweet Melon.

Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[1 Jun 2010 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke Mojito

Mojito is a lime-citrus and mint blend with another subtle flavor to mimic the sensation of alcohol in the back of your throat. It really does very much resemble an actual mojito beverage. However, in its smoking form, the comparison is somewhat lost. The mint is very well hidden in this flavor—almost invisible. and the lime flavor is mild. What you’re left with is an easy to smoke, subtle semi-sweet citrus flavor that tastes a lot like a mojito if you know that’s what it’s supposed to taste like.

Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

[30 May 2010 | No Comment | ]
Al Fakher Lemon

Lemon is a mild citrus flavor. The aroma betrays the taste in that it smells more like cleaner than something you’d want to smoke, but tastes very different. Unlike Nakhla’s Lemon flavor, Al Fakher Lemon is much closer to the flavor of a real lemon, but still more of a candy-caricature. You might even compare it to a mild lemon-tea. Lemon is sweet, but not overpowering and it lacks the tartness of a real lemon. The lemon flavor is much more of a lemon sensation that a replication. The natural taste of the tobacco subtly peaks through, though in general, the taste is simple with only a few quiet undertones of tobacco, and the rest lemon. The simplicity and subtlety of the lemon taste makes this a great flavor for mixing.

Reviews, Romman, Tobacco »

[28 May 2010 | No Comment | ]
Romman Good Times

Romman Good Times is a blend of orange, lemon, apple and mint flavors. The most dominant is clearly the orange citrus, though I wouldn’t classify it exactly as a citrus tobacco. When smoking, it’s difficult to pick out the specific flavors, and in that way it’s a bit simple. The mint also is weak compared to what you might expect. Rather than producing a mint sensation, it has a subtle cooling effect.

Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

[28 May 2010 | No Comment | ]
Al Fakher Two Apples

Two Apples has a rich, complex anis flavor. When smoking for the first time, you will likely notice a licorice sensation thanks to the anis. But a more careful examination of the flavor will reveal undertones of spice and cinnamon, mingled with subtle apple tastes. It’s necessary to exhale through both your mouth and nostrils to fully appreciate Two Apples flavor, though either one in isolation is pleasant. As with most anis flavors, the sensation is dark and warming—not refreshing like a real apple.

Nakhla, Reviews, Tobacco »

[27 May 2010 | No Comment | ]
Nakhla Lemon

Nakhla Lemon is a candy, citrus flavor. The aroma is deceiving as it does not accurately match the flavor. But this isn’t a complaint. The flavor is easy to enjoy, not being too sweet or rich The lemon flavor probably most closely resembles the Lemonhead candy, which is sweet and lemony, but also a bit tart. This is just what you can expect from Nakhla Lemon. As with most Nakhla flavors, the natural tobacco taste is also clearly present, and introduces a dark, earthy experience to the Lemon flavor.

Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

[27 May 2010 | No Comment | ]
Al Fakher Orange

The aroma and taste of Al Fakher orange is nearly identical. It is crisp, sweet and citrusy. The taste is unmistakably orange, but it is more of a witticism of the real thing. You’ll find it more closely resembles the taste of orange soda than real oranges. There are no other flavors present, or at least obviously so. In this way it is very simple and makes a great tobacco for mixing your own custom flavors.

Reviews, Starbuzz, Tobacco »

[26 May 2010 | No Comment | ]
Starbuzz White Peach

The aroma and flavor of White Peach match almost exactly. And, unlike most tobacco, the flavor is nearly spot on. The peach taste is not a caricature of the real fruit and it’s not a candy version. Rather, the taste very closely mimics that of a sweet, ripe peach. Many who have sat down to smoke White Peach point out the flavor immediately without being told what it is. The taste is both sweet (though not sickly so) and refreshing—much like the real thing. The flavor also accurately mimics the juicy sensation of a real peach. Don’t be surprised to actually begin salivating between draws.

Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[23 May 2010 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke Chocolate Chill

Chocolate Chill from Social Smoke is a basic chocolate-mint flavor, like the ones produced by Fusion, Tangiers, Nakhla and a handful of other brands. The first thing you’re likely to notice is the intensity of the mint flavor. It is extremely strong. The mint sensation alone is comparable to smoking Al Fakher or Nakhla mint flavor by itself. But, Chocolate Chill also carries a chocolaty taste as well, though compared to the mint it is subtle. The chocolate flavor present isn’t a milk chocolate taste, but more of a cocoa powder or hot-chocolate mix. It is generally dark in flavor, but with a hint of sweetness as well.