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[6 Aug 2010 | No Comment | ]
10 Beautiful Photos of the Hookah Culture

Being a photographer, I have a deep appreciation for the photographic craft. So a natural collision for me would be the hookah culture appearing in wonderfully taken photographs. So, I set out and started to explore Flickr for different ways that hookahs and the subculture around them have been immortalized in images. Here are 10 of the best that I found. Unfortunately, a lot of Flickr users would prefer people not see their work, rather than risk someone stealing it. So, instead of 10 awesome photos, here are 8 of …

Evolution Tea, Reviews, Tobacco »

[10 Jul 2010 | No Comment | ]
Evolution Tea Spearmint

Spearmint is fairly straight foreword. It tastes like a mild sweet mint. Something like Eclipse chewing gum. It’s an easier mint flavor to smoke by itself as the mint is more mild and the sweetness adds a necessary element which is often missing from other plain mint flavors.

Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[1 Jul 2010 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke Rose

Social Smoke’s Rose flavor is unique among the available rose flavors out there. While it has a very strong floral scent and taste, the taste is sweeter and warmer than most other similar flavors. Beyond the basic floral rose flavor, there are some hints of other flavors as well, though pinning them down is difficult. A very subtle spice is probably the best I could explain it.

Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[1 Jul 2010 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke Dulce De Leche

Dulce De Leche is a sweet cream flavor. Neither fruit, nor obviously spice and certainly not floral. The most obvious sensation is sweet. It’s very sweet. But the actual flavor is delicate. It’s difficult to place exactly what it tastes like (made especially difficult since I’ve never had the drink for which this tobacco was named). There are some darker undertones, perhaps caramel, while the more obvious flavor is light and creamy.

Ayam Zaman, Reviews, Tobacco »

[21 Jun 2010 | No Comment | ]
Ayam Zaman Mint

Ayam Zaman is a mild, sweet spearmint flavor with just the slightest hint of something spicy. Most people probably won’t even notice. Besides that, the flavor is very basic, but not uninteresting.

Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[19 Jun 2010 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke Tropical Fruit

Tropical Fruit is a fruit medley. The label shows citrus fruits, coconuts, pineapples and bananas. The flavor is definitely built on that foundation, however the most dominant flavor is definitely a banana or pineapple taste which is very sweet. Though there are a lot of flavors present, the majority of them meld together into an ambiguous fruity flavor.

Hookah-Freak, Reviews, Tobacco »

[18 Jun 2010 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Freak Scooby Snack

The name ‘Scooby Snack’ doesn’t lend itself well to describing the actual flavor of the smoke. Though a careful examination reveals that Scooby Snack is actually primarily a melon flavor. Perhaps cantaloupe or honey dew. However, there are other flavors blended among the melon. Identifying them specifically is nearly impossible, it seems there may be some caramel or chocolate, along with perhaps some light cinnamon. Overall however, the flavor is dark, rich and sweet.

Evolution Tea, Reviews, Tobacco »

[18 Jun 2010 | No Comment | ]
Evolution Tea Lemonade

The flavor is a sweet, yet tart, candy lemon. But when mixed with the natural flavor of the tea leaves, is almost identical to Lemon Brisk Iced Tea. The flavor is rich and tasty, but not too sweat, and not chemical at all. Additionally, once the lemon flavor has faded, the natural flavor of the tea leaves is actually quite pleasant.

Hookah-Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

[17 Jun 2010 | One Comment | ]
Hookah-Hookah Clove

Clove is dark, rich and spicy. It tastes very much like the real clove spice. However, unlike other brand’s attempts at clove flavors, Hookah-Hookah clove is fairly mild with quiet, sweet undertones of cinnamon.

Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[16 Jun 2010 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke Coconut

Social Smoke Coconut is the closest to an actual coconut flavor that I have found. It is mild and sweet, but neither is overpowering. At the end of the day, Coconut is more of a candy-flavor—similar to what you might find in an Almond Joy bar.