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Articles tagged with: mild

Hookah-Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

[7 Jul 2010 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Hookah 7 Spice

7 Spice tastes much like you might expect. Spicy. The most dominant flavor is cinnamon, but it is very mild, mixed among other spice flavors such as clove and cardamom. The other spices, whatever they may be, are ambiguous, but no doubt add to the whole experience in ways we can’t confidently nail down. Overall, however, the flavor is dark and spicy, but still light and mild.

Hookah-Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

[17 Jun 2010 | One Comment | ]
Hookah-Hookah Clove

Clove is dark, rich and spicy. It tastes very much like the real clove spice. However, unlike other brand’s attempts at clove flavors, Hookah-Hookah clove is fairly mild with quiet, sweet undertones of cinnamon.

Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

[17 Jun 2010 | No Comment | ]
Social Smoke Gumball

Gumball is just that—a gumball. The taste is remarkably similar to a real gumball. Very mild, sweet-mint taste makes it easy to smoke and doesn’t get too in your face. This flavor is simple and has no apparent undertones to speak of.

Al Fakher, Reviews, Tobacco »

[30 May 2010 | No Comment | ]
Al Fakher Lemon

Lemon is a mild citrus flavor. The aroma betrays the taste in that it smells more like cleaner than something you’d want to smoke, but tastes very different. Unlike Nakhla’s Lemon flavor, Al Fakher Lemon is much closer to the flavor of a real lemon, but still more of a candy-caricature. You might even compare it to a mild lemon-tea. Lemon is sweet, but not overpowering and it lacks the tartness of a real lemon. The lemon flavor is much more of a lemon sensation that a replication. The natural taste of the tobacco subtly peaks through, though in general, the taste is simple with only a few quiet undertones of tobacco, and the rest lemon. The simplicity and subtlety of the lemon taste makes this a great flavor for mixing.