Articles tagged with: berry
Nakhla, Reviews, Smoking, Tobacco, Tobacco Mixes, Uncategorized »
Reviews, Tobacco, Tonic »

Minty Dreams, as the name suggests, is very minty. Though the mint is not an intense mint, such as Nakhla’s Mizo Mint. Rather, the mint is a variety of sweet mints, probably of more than one variety, with an underlying sweetness which is likely a berry or fruit flavor, but it’s so subtle it’s nearly impossible to pin-point which ones.
Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

Berry Punch, like the tobacco’s aroma, tastes like a richer, sweeter version of children’s Flintstones vitamins, but not so chalky. The flavor is mild enough that it’s not completely in your face, but rich enough to keep you interested. Though overall, it is a berry flavor, the exact berry flavor is ambiguous.
Hookah-Freak, Reviews, Tobacco »
Hookah-Freak, Reviews, Tobacco »
JM's Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

Red Toro is JM’s attempt at an energy drink flavor—ala Red ‘Bull’. And it is indeed very similar, and quite delicious. There is a strong floral undertone, most likely rose. But atop that is something semi-sweet and fruity—possibly apricot, peach or raspberry. Or, perhaps a blend of all of them. Overall, the flavors do jive well together, provided the heat is managed properly.
Reviews, Tobacco, Tonic »

Though the scent is very much that of children’s breakfast cereal, the flavor is not so much. After Sex is sweet, but not nauseatingly so. It is a berry/fruit mix with some very subtle citrus undertones. The flavor is tasty and refreshing, and though there is no detectible mint sensation, After Sex still has a cool freshness to it.
Reviews, Tobacco, Tonic »

Strawberry Citrus Mint is, as the name suggests, a blend of strawberry, citrus flavors and a light mint sensation. The citrus and mint flavors are clear, though the strawberry is a more ambiguous berry flavor. In terms of other tobaccos, Strawberry Citrus Mint is very similar to Romman’s Good Times flavor. It’s unclear who truly has the upper hand, but Tonic’s Strawberry Citrus Mint is slightly cheaper than Romman’s alternative.
Reviews, Social Smoke, Tobacco »

Social Smoke describes Blush as a blend of raspberry, fruits, citrus and a hint of rose. The resulting flavor is more likely to remind you of a really excellent stick of bubble gum. If you examine closely enough, you can definitely pick up on notes of fruit and berry flavor. Picking out any one of them in particular is difficult. Blush is a mild, sweet candy style flavor with an excellent and subtle floral finish.
Hookah-Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

Dragon Fruit is a sweet blend of berries and melon. Though the combination isn’t obvious at first, rather the first sensation is bright with a delicious ambiguous berry sweetness, and just a hint of something tangy. When exhaling through the nose as well, those who have a very acute sense of smell will notice a vague hint of something chemical. For almost everyone else, it will go undetected.