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[23 Nov 2011 | No Comment | ] Revises Alien-Mini Phunnel Bowl

If you’re a fan of the original phunnel bowls, you will not be disappointed with this one. But keep in mind, because of subtle adjustments to the shape and design, as well as variations in craftsmanship, you might need to adjust your packing and foiling technique. So should you upgrade? Maybe. It’s going to be a matter of preference. If you find your current Alien Phunnel bowl wanting, you might find this updated version to be a mark improvement. But if you’re quite satisfied with your current Alien Phunnel bowl, you might want to wait until a drunken party guest knocks your bowl off the table.

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[30 Aug 2011 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Hookah revises tobacco recipes, packaging

Hookah-Hookah tobacco has revised the recipes in its entire line of hookah tobacco, as well as ditching the classic plastic tub packaging in favor of newly designed boxes.

In addition to the new packaging, the revised recipes make significant improvements to the smoking experience. Upon opening the package, the first thing you’ll likely notice is that the tobacco is significantly more moist. Upon breaking it up, you’ll also find that the tobacco is cut longer and there even appears to be a bit more of it. The actual look and feel …

Reviews, Tobacco, Tonic »

[13 Jun 2011 | No Comment | ]
Tonic Kama Sutra

It’s a bit challenging to identify the flavors making up Kama Sutra. At the beginning of the draw, there is a bite, perhaps a sour sensation. On exhale, there’s a sweet watermelon flavor. There are also most likely some berry or fruit flavors mixed in as well, but they are indistinct.

Hookah-Hookah, Reviews, Tobacco »

[9 Jun 2011 | No Comment | ]
Hookah-Hookah Ginger Ale

Ginger Ale is definitely similar to the real thing, but really not quite right. There is a distinct cola flavor present, and something a bit spicy, like ginger, but the over all flavor was more reminiscent of soft-drink sweetness than actual ginger ale.

Reviews, Tobacco, Tonic »

[3 Jun 2011 | No Comment | ]
Tonic Virgin Strawberry

Virgin Strawberry doesn’t taste much like strawberries in a realistic sense. But in the world of artificial strawberry flavors, this one isn’t bad, but isn’t great either. This one is candy-sweet and In real world comparisons, Virgin Strawberry tastes quite a lot like those individually wrapped strawberry candies.